A student of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN), Mr. Ilo Calistus, will represent Nigeria at the 11th edition of the Google Summer of Code programme.
Google Summer of Code is a program that offers student developers stipends to write code for various open source projects for top technology companies like Google, Mozilla, Encyclopedia of Life, etc.
Calistus, a final year student of the department of Computer Science and UNN Google Student Ambassador, was selected as the only student from Nigeria to contribute to the 55 million lines of code which has been written so far. He will be working for Syster, an Anita Borg Institute based in United States to develop an Android App for Peace Corp volunteers
A total of 73 countries were represented in this year’s programme with about 1,051 students as participants. Accepted students work with the organization he/she is accepted into for a period of 12 weeks.
Since its inception in 2005, Google Summer of Code has brought together over 8,500 successful student participants from 101 countries and over 8,300 mentors from over 109 countries worldwide to produce over 50 million lines of code.
Through Google Summer of Code, accepted student applicants are paired with a mentor or mentors from the participating projects, thus gaining exposure to real-world software development scenarios and the opportunity for employment in areas related to their academic pursuits
In turn, the participating projects are able to more easily identify and bring in new developers. Best of all, more source code is created and released for the use and benefit of all.
To learn more about the program visit: www.google-melange.com
Best of luck To You…
CampusCamerazzi Team
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