How To Check:
Candidates are to check their admission status by downloading the pdf document from the link below;
>> FUDUTSINMA Prelim List 2015<<
Successful candidates are expected to read carefully and follow the following guidelines to complete their acceptance and registration.
Acceptance/Registration and Resumption Guidelines for the Admitted Candidates
1. Candidate should check above to confirm that their names are on the admission list and Programme of Study admitted in the School.
2. Successful candidates of 2015/2016 Session admissions are to report to the University for clearance/Registration on Monday, 4 January 2016. Undertaking Against Cultism
All admitted candidates must download the Undertaking Against Cultism (Form FUD/01) from the University Portal http://portal.fudutsinma.edu.ng/sgps. Both the Parent/Guardian and the candidate must sign a copy of the form and tender it at registration point in the University (Note that you will not be registered without the signed form).
Registration Period:
Newly admitted candidates stand the chance of losing the provisional admission slots if they do not undergo the screening/clearance process and pay the acceptance fees within the stipulated period from Monday, 4th to Friday, 15th January, 2016.
Acceptance of Offer of Provisional Admission:
All newly admitted candidates are required to pay a mandatory acceptance charge of N5,000 only and print Acceptance of Offer of Provisional Admission. List of Items to Bring for Clearance and Verification. Come along with the following Items:
i. Signed copy of Acceptance of Offer of Provisional Admission from the Portal
ii. Printed copy of Letter of Provisional Admission from the Portal
iii. Original and photocopy of Birth Certificate
iv. Original and photocopy of O’ Level certificates/statement of results
v. Two copies of passport photograph
vi. Letter of Reference from a person of reputable standing in the society vouching for your good behaviour
Authentication of NECO/WAEC /NABTEB Results for Newly Admitted Candidates:
All newly admitted candidates should submit a copy of NECO, WAEC or NABTEB statement of results at the registration point in the SOGAPS for authentication/verification of all qualifications presented for admission.
The fee schedule for 2015/2016 academic session is as shown in the table below:
1. Admission Acceptance Fee - 5,000.00
2. School Charges - 50,000.00
TOTAL - 55,000.00
Guidelines on Payment:
Successful candidates wishing to make payment of the charges are advised to take note of the following payment options:
Option 1
1. Visit www.remita.net
2. Click on ‘Pay A Federal Government Agency’ under the ‘What do You want to do Today?’ section.
3. Fill the form that appears in the window that opens as follows;
a) In the ‘Name of MDA *’ field, Type FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, DUTSIN-MA and select same from the options that appears in the dropdown.
b) From the ‘Name Of Service/Purpose *’ field, select the fee item you wish to make payment for.
c) Complete the rest of the form that appears as appropriate and click the ‘Proceed To Payment’ button to continue your transaction or
d) Click the reset button to fill the form afresh
4. Click on ‘Print Invoice’ to print the invoice containing your Remita Retrieval Reference (RRR) which you will use in making payment.
5. Make your payment using any of the payment methods under the ‘How do you want to Pay?’ section.
6. Proceed to the bursary unit of the University with a confirmation slip from the Remita platform for final processing of your payment.
Option 2
1. Visit the designated location within the University premises and collect an invoice containing your Remita Retrieval Reference (RRR) which you will use in making payment.
2. Visit www.remita.net
3. Click on ‘Pay an Electronic invoice’.
4. Input the Remita Retrieval Reference (RRR) provided on the invoice you received and click on the ‘Continue’ button.
5. Make your payment using any of the payment methods under the ‘How do you want to Pay?’ section.
6. Proceed to the bursary unit of the University with a confirmation slip from the Remita platform for final processing of your payment.
Note: Students are advised to visit the help desk to get details on the payment procedure as well as help for other registration issues.
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