
Thursday, 19 March 2015

NIMN Accreditation Team Visits Covenant University

An accreditation team from the National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria (NIMN) visited Covenant University (CU), Ota on Wednesday, 11th March, 2015, on an assessment visit.

Speaking during the visit, the NIMN Chairman, Mallam Umar Dangabarin said that the areas of their assessment included the roles and objectives of the programme, computer knowledge and skills, admissions requirements, curriculum, academic regulations, training, standards of tests, marketing studio, practicals, projects, classroom, library, entrepreneurial skills, office accommodation, staff development, staffing, team spirit and learning environment.

The team commended the high level of discipline and focus which they observed in Covenant University. They stated that the institution met all the NIMN requirements, except for the marketing studio facility, which the CU Management assured them, would be put in place out-rightly.

In his remarks, the Vice Chancellor, Professor Charles Ayo stated, “The essence of peer review mechanism is to identify where we are and how we can improve on it. My personal concern has been on the area of e-marketing. In today’s world, it is very crucial for every viable academic programme to acquaint itself with the necessary skills in ICT to be able to compete favourably in the world out there. On a yearly basis, we have collaboration with Google. The Company comes in here to select students for training in ‘Google Ad Class’ to expose them to the rudiments and rubrics of e-marketing and e-adverts.

“This is the future; we have gone beyond the era of bricks and mortar. We are looking at a situation where students would finish from here and immediately carve a niche for themselves. But they can only do this if they have been groomed and prepared ahead. ICT is very current and on top of the demands of what this profession requires,” he said.

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