
Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Important Notice To All FULafia Graduating Students

This is to inform all Federal University Lafia (FULAFIA) graduands that arrangements have been made to conduct the University’s Maiden Convocation on Friday 8th and Saturday 9th January, 2016.

All graduating students are invited to process their final clearance between Wednesday, January 6 and Thursday, January 7, 2016 preparatory to Convocation on Saturday, January 9, 2016.

S/N Sections Required Documents
1. Departments =  Clearance Form to be signed by         the Level Academic Adviser =  Departmental Library Clearance
Form to be signed by the Library
Officer or Head of Department
2. Faculties =  Books borrowed from Faculty Resource Room
3. Academic Affairs =  Original Copies of: ü O’Level Certificate(s)
ü Indigene Certificate
ü Birth Certificate
ü Primary School Certificate
ü JAMB Admission Letter
ü JAMB Score print out
4. Student Affairs Division =  To be specified
5. Sports Unit =  Jerseys for active sportsmen and women
6. Health Centre =  Presentation of TISHIP Identity           Card =  Presentation of Hand Cards
7. Library =  Departmental Clearance =  Library Card
=  Borrower’s Card
8. Bursary =  Presentation of Student ID card =  Presentation of Original Receipt         (100 – 400 Level)
=  Presentation of Original Fee Card
=  Presentation of Fully Stamped Fee
Card with Student Passport
=  Presentation of receipt for payment
of N2,000 academic gown rental         fee
=  Verification of the above claim             from the system
=  Issuance of Final Clearance Form
9. ICT =  Submission of  Student ID Card
10. Audit =  To be specified
11. Advancement Office =  Provision of correct contact details and records for future use and

Venue for the Final Clearance and Collection of academic gown are as follows:
Final Clearance: Restaurant annex (Central Admin Building, Permanent Site)
  • Collection of academic gown: Council Affairs Secretariat annex (Central Admin Building, Permanent Site)
Graduands are to pay the sum of One Thousand Naira (N1,000) for their academic gowns as from Wednesday 6th January, 2016 and collect same from their Faculty Officers. Such gowns MUST be returned to the point of collection before the close of work on Monday 11th January, 2016. Failure to do so as well as loss or damage will attract a penalty fee.

Note: Academic Gowns will be issued by Faculty Officers upon presentation of completed/duly signed clearance form with evidence of payment of academic gown rental fee.

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